Acequias la Vega sitting on the Court have not always been exactly the same, in the same way that the territory drained by them has been subject to changes over time in the cultures, in the structure of the land, in the appearance of new needs of farmland and other constraints that have already been since the time of Islam.
All ditches forming the Tribunal de las Aguas del Turia in Valencia Vega taking water a short distance below the dam Drinking Waters of Valencia and found their dams in this order:
Faitanar Benàger-Quart and, on the right bank
Tormos left bank.
Mislata, right bank.
Mestalla, left bank.
Favara, right bank.
Rascanya left bank.
Rovella, right bank.
However, the growth of the city and subsequent South Plan works substantially modified taking water from the nearest city canals. The weir called the Repartiment (or Cassola) I varied greatly from the original structure ditches Favara, Rascanya and Rovella, which are now grouped in the new weir.