Acequias la Vega sitting on the Court have not always been exactly the same, in the same way that the territory drained by them has been subject to changes over time in the cultures, in the structure of the land, in the appearance of new needs of farmland and other constraints that have already been since the time of Islam.
All ditches forming the Tribunal de las Aguas del Turia in Valencia Vega taking water a short distance below the dam Drinking Waters of Valencia and found their dams in this order:
Faitanar Benàger-Quart and, on the right bank
Tormos left bank.
Mislata, right bank.
Mestalla, left bank.
Favara, right bank.
Rascanya left bank.
Rovella, right bank.
However, the growth of the city and subsequent South Plan works substantially modified taking water from the nearest city canals. The weir called the Repartiment (or Cassola) I varied greatly from the original structure ditches Favara, Rascanya and Rovella, which are now grouped in the new weir.
D. Ricardo Belenguer Vicent
Syndic of the Acequia Mislata
The Community Irrigation Acequia Mislata is one of the companies in the Water Court of Valencia and is constituted from time immemorial, to be governed by their bylaws approved by the Office of the Royal and Supreme Council of Castile, as in Madrid thirty of June 1751. The reforms introduced in their ordenaa.
The reforms introduced in the ordinances have been limited to updating the penalty box or "penalties", keeping the names of the different elected,and for needless to clarify that belong to the primitive states or arms of nobles and clergy. The general meeting is held every two years, providing one vote each community.
Recently created drought Mislata Foundation to promote the defense of the orchard and promote the maintenance of areas such as the environment section and ditch Mislata in Quart de Poblet declared of Cultural Interest by the Generalitat Valenciana.
Among the first activities of the Foundation has been the publication of a book entitled "The millennial Acequia Mislata" authored by Daniel Sala Don Giner.
Secretariat: Pza. Manises nº 2- 10ª.- 46003 VALENCIA.- Tel. 96 391 83 43 Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
D. Pascual Sanmartín Sanmartín
Syndic of the Acequia de Quart
The common section of ditch - Quart Benàcher Faitanar, extending the term municicipal Manises. At the height of the town of Manises, passes between houses and a river terrace where centuries Orchard Village, watered directly by open sores in the ditch - mother herself was created, one of which is what gives rise to Faitanar independent ditch .
After passing under several old factories of the population, the municipality ditch turns south to go up the canyon and Salt d' Aigua cross by an ancient aqueduct rebuilt many times , els Arquets Manises , finally arriving in the town of Quart de Poblet and distributing water from ditches and Benàger Quart . From this set , their historical weir is still preserved , the first , which takes water from the river ( located about three kilometers from Manises and about 500 meters downstream from the weir Moncada ) , aqueduct Arquets dels , a hydroelectric plant early twentieth century ( next to the old molí of Daroqui that im - plained building a larger channel ) and the languages of the system. The construction of the hydroelectric plant Daroqui in 1905 , now abandoned , forced to expand the capacity of the channel from the dam to her, irrigation communities and Benáncher - Quart Faitanar granted passage of water to the central retaining ownership .
The aqueduct dels Arquets used to move water from the ditch on the Salt Canyon de l'Aigua, on the eastern edge of the town of Manises and as close to Quart de Poblet, always aroused the interest of scholars and most possibly outside the Roman era. With its 230 meters long, has 28 arches of various dimensions of light, and intervened heavily reinforced over the centuries (Already King Conquistador in 1273 speaks of their poor condition and need to restore). It is the largest work of hydraulic architecture of the canals of the Vega de Valencia and the only representation of a large aqueduct in the region.
Secretariat: Plaza Manises nº2-10º 46003 Valencia tlf: 96 391 83 43 Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.